Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Original IIFYM • If It Fits Your Macros • The IIFYM Macro Diet

Eat the Foods You Love.

Get the Body You Want.


For Free

Eat the Foods You Love.

Get the Body You Want.

arrowtakedesFor Free

The Original IIFYM • If It Fits Your Macros • The IIFYM Macro Diet


Take control of your weight-loss journey while eating the food you enjoy!

This is NOT a diet!

No foods are off-limits! As long as it fits your macro requirements, you can eat whatever you like.

Easy weight loss!

If your goal is to lose weight, we guarantee you will achieve this EASILY if you follow your unique plan. You’ll enjoy delicious food as you watch the pounds melt away!

Personalized Meal Plans + HOME Workouts

Take the hassle out of tracking your macros with a Meal Plan tailored to your exact unique macronutrient needs. Our IIFYM Meal Plan takes care of everything, recipes and shopping lists included!


Take control of your weight-loss journey while eating the food you enjoy!

This is NOT a diet!

No foods are off-limits! As long as it fits your macro requirements, you can eat whatever you like.

Easy weight loss!

If your goal is to lose weight, we guarantee you will achieve this EASILY if you follow your unique plan. You’ll enjoy delicious food as you watch the pounds melt away!

Personalized Meal Plans + Home Workout Programs

Take the hassle out of tracking your macros with a Meal Plan tailored to your exact unique macronutrient needs. Our IIFYM Meal Plan takes care of everything, recipes and shopping lists included!





Macro Calculator

To unlock your exact, unique macro requirements.


Personalized Meal Plan

Updated every 2 weeks, so you can look forward to different meals without ever having to worry about the dreaded plateau.

Full Control

Of Your Body

And weight-loss journey while you eat the foods you love.

Get REAL RESULTS with your

Personalized IIFYM Meal Plan

And Custom Home Workout Program

If you’ve tried dozens of diet plans that didn’t work and are ready to finally lose the weight and keep it off, the time is NOW!

Discover Your




If you’ve tried dozens of diet plans that didn’t work and are ready to finally lose the weight and keep it off, the time is NOW!

Discover Your



Thursday, September 3, 2020

It’s Time to Ditch These Fad Diets in 2020

We know it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to lose weight.

Many people are often tempted to speed up the weight loss process through the latest dieting craze.

But dieting doesn’t need to be a miserable experience where you undertake extreme measures that deprive you of calories and eliminate specific food groups and nutrients.

Fad diets, which you often see promoted by celebrities and social media influencers, can do more harm than good – they tend to lack sufficient research and evidence of their effectiveness and long-term sustainability, and in some cases, they can hurt your progress and health.

Some fad diets are so restrictive they involve completely ditching solids for liquids, or eating (presumably) like a caveman.

Your weight loss and weight management diet should be a positive and sustainable journey, consisting of foods and nutrients that are non-restrictive, healthy, invigorating and enjoyable.

Read on for three fad diets it’s time to leave behind in 2020.

fresh fruit and vegetables in bowls


You’ve probably heard of the Keto diet – that is unless you’ve been living under a rock. Keto, short for ketogenic, has been one of the biggest crazes over the past few years and consists of a diet low in carbs and high in protein and fat.

By cutting carbs completely, your body is put in a state of ketosis, essentially a survival mode which burns fat stores for fuel.

The benefits of Keto, as outlined in one of our previous blog posts, include:

  • It’s an effective way of dieting and getting the results you’ve always wanted – fast

  • While in ketosis, the liver takes fat and transforms it into ketones. Ketones can be seen as fuel cells for muscles and brains. This can help with cognitive functioning making you feel sharper and more alert.

  • It has been shown the Keto diet can help regulate cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar and insulin levels. This can be a huge win for those with specific types of diabetes and PCOS and can reduce the risk of heart disease through the lowering of triglycerides.

However, the consensus of nutrition experts is that the cons of a Keto diet far outweigh the pros.

Some of the main cons include:

  • It can cause flu-like symptoms, headaches and nausea

  • Lack of fibre can impact the regularity of bowel movements, causing one to feel “backed up”

  • Eating fewer carbs isn’t necessarily a good thing, especially for athletes and highly active people who need carbs for optimal energy, performance and endurance.

  • The lack of sugar from the diet can cause brain fatigue, impacting your focus, and low energy

  • A diet high in saturated fats and meats can increase cholesterol and in turn lead to a negative impact on heart health.

Further, while you may get results fast, it is a tough diet – and potentially unhealthy long-term – to sustain.

“I did more of a low carb approach but was still following keto meal plans,” a commenter on a previous blog post wrote. “Although I got great results the first 3 months it’s hard to be sustainable when you miss your favorite foods.

“It gets hard to keep getting creative with meals and you find yourself going to the same go-to’s. One cheat and it will throw your whole plan off and it’s hard to go back to the keto way of eating.

“I found myself binging and saying I’ll start fresh tomorrow. Although many do great on it, it’s very tough to stay consistent for a long period of time before caving for something you miss.”

Raw food

carrot ginger apricot juice

The raw food diet is making a comeback in 2020, after peaking several years ago.

The idea behind eating only raw foods is that natural enzymes and other nutrients in foods break down when cooked above 116°F. This in turn helps with digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

“The raw food diet encourages people to eat only raw (never heated), unprocessed foods,” dietician Chrissy Carroll of Very Well Fit said. “While eating more produce is advantageous, experts say there’s no reason to avoid cooking it.

“This diet may put people at risk for food-borne illness if raw meat and dairy are consumed.”

Moreover, cooked food has nutritional, safety and tasty benefits (food should be enjoyed, right?). For instance, asparagus and mushrooms provide more nutritional value when cooked, and baking or roasting vegetables significantly enhances natural flavors.

The raw foods diet is also very restrictive, meaning it is very difficult to sustain long-term.

Liquid diets

Teatoxes and juice cleansing are weight loss methods that should be avoided as they can cause unpleasant side effects (i.e. diarrhea and dehydration), cause harm to body and mental and physical performance, and are definitely not sustainable.

The only positive to consuming so much fruit and vege in liquid form is the boost of vitamins. It could also lead to short-term weight loss, but it’s certainly not a healthy method.

“Dehydration can lead to fainting, weakness and headaches,” Michael Jay Nusbaum, MD, of Prevention said. “It can also lead to an increase in hunger.

“When you flush your colon, you disrupt the bacterial colonization that actually helps you. As a result, your gut microbiome becomes out of balance, leading to digestive abnormalities.”

Other major downsides to juice cleansing include:

  • Nutrient deficiencies, due to lack of protein, healthy fats and vitamins obtained through other sources such as B12

  • Juicing strips fruit and vegetables of fibre, and fibre is important for healthy gut bacteria

  • Lack of protein can lead to muscle and bone loss.

  • Low calorie content can bring on cravings, dizziness, fatigue and headaches

Balance is key

A well-balanced diet offers amazing health benefits, leading to sustainable weight loss and weight management. It can also reduce the risk of disease and health problems, while providing you with optimal physical and mental energy.

Eating a range of food groups is also more enjoyable than restricting yourself with fad diets.

IIFYM, for instance, provides you with a non-restrictive diet plan, allowing you to eat whatever fits within your macros. This makes the weight loss process both enjoyable and sustainable.

Check out our meal plans here.



Thursday, August 27, 2020

8 Motivation Tips for Home Workouts

COVID-19 has affected everyday life, changing where and how we work and workout.

We know it can be difficult to stay motivated during these tough times, especially when many of us are cooped up at home all day.

But it is important to stay active and healthy, perhaps now more than ever, for not only your physical health but your mental health too.

Don’t let lockdown undo all your hard work in the gym and kitchen, or stop you from setting new goals.

Read on for 8 tips on how to stay motivated during lockdown and build a killer body.

Routine is key

The days can easily blur together when you are stuck inside most of the day, which is why maintaining a regular workout routine is a good idea.

Planning and structuring your day to include plenty of time for work, exercise and leisure, along with any other commitments, will help keep you productive, less stressed, and from forming bad habits. Even just squeezing in a 15 to 20 minute workout session, training at a challenging intensity, is very beneficial for mood and health.

It’s much easier to stick to a routine when it is written down and displayed somewhere you will see it every day without fail.

Furthermore, ticking boxes and tracking your progress is a sure-fire way to stay motivated.

It’s important to remember that it gets easier to stick to a routine the longer you commit. In time, working out will become as much of a staple in your everyday life as eating breakfast in the morning.

Dedicate a space in your home for workouts

Whether it be in the lounge, garage, or yard, creating a space where you can regularly and safely workout is crucial to sticking to your fitness schedule. A dedicated space will not only remind you to exercise but will serve as a motivator.

Take it one step further and always have your fitness clothes and equipment – a mat or towel is more than sufficient – readily available for use, so you will not have to waste time scrounging around for something to wear or have to reshuffle furniture every time you workout.

women exercising with yoga mat

Stay connected

Working out with friends, family or other members of your household can be the perfect motivator, as you can pick each other up and spur each other on when you’re feeling down or not in the mood. Plus, it can be a lot more fun working out with a friend than on your own.

Despite the physical limitations brought upon us by COVID-19, we are still able to stay connected and interact with each other through social media and video chats.

So, call a buddy or a group of friends and hit a virtual workout. To mix things up, you could set challenges for one another.

Pump yourself up with your favourite tunes

Never underestimate the power of music. Good beats can inspire you to take your workout up a level and keep you motivated for longer, as, according to Scientific American, music “distracts people from pain and fatigue, elevates mood, increases endurance, reduces perceived effort and may even promote metabolic efficiency.”

woman exercising home workout mat

Change your mindset

It’s easy to slip into a state of laziness or self-loathing – so it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of working out, such as the rush of endorphins and release of built up energy and stress.

Get some fresh air and go for a brisk walk or run. It can completely shift your outlook and recharge your mental batteries – as sunlight is thought to improve mood and help you feel more calm and focused through the release of a hormone in the brain called serotonin.

Set realistic goals

Crushing specific short-term goals on the road to your ultimate goals is a great motivational tool, making the journey feel more satisfying and less daunting. Top athletes and successful businessmen all do this.

Try the SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals method to lay out what it is you want to achieve.

Virtual workout videos and plans

Lacking inspiration or don’t know how to create your own home workout routine? There are thousands of great online health and fitness programs out there run by fitness professionals, with many offering free trials for new members and affordable short and long-term plans.

Social media is another fantastic source for workout content. On YouTube, for instance, you’ll find a plethora of free videos posted by personal trainers, fitness influencers and instructors.

Eat healthy, follow a meal plan

Following a healthy, nutrient-rich diet offers numerous benefits such as improving your energy levels, which in turn will make you more eager to get your sweat on.

If you need some guidance or don’t want the hassle of carefully planning each and every meal, our personalized IIFYM Meal Plan is a fantastic option.

Our meal plan saves you time, offers flexibility, tasty dishes and will increase your micronutrient intake, allowing you to stay motivated, focused on crushing your fitness goals and reaping the rewards of a healthier lifestyle.

We also have a range of special bundles on offer, which include full fitness training programs and other bonus benefits.



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Why You Should Follow A Personalized Meal Plan

Are you trying to lose weight but feel confused about what foods fit your macros?

It can seem very overwhelming at first, when you’re on your own trying to figure out exactly what to eat, how often, how much, and how to even cook such meals – especially with all the conflicting information available in books and on the internet.

Why use a meal plan?

Our personalized IIFYM Macro Meal Plan is a great option for burning fat that takes all the hassle and stress out of planning your meals, while allowing you to eat whatever you want. That’s right – If It Fits Your Macros, it can be eaten free of guilt.

A detailed laid out meal plan will save you time trying to fit your macros, helping you keep your eyes on the prize and striding towards achieving your weight loss goals. In the process you will learn a ton about nutrition and what foods fit not only your macros but your lifestyle.

What if you suffer from pesky allergies, or have strict dietary restrictions such as lactose intolerance, diabetes or celiac disease?

No problem at all. We cater our meal plans to suit every possible dietary need – from vegans and vegetarians to pescatarian and pollotarian – or dietary restriction without sacrificing a single crumb of quality.

Enjoying your meals is a surefire way to ensure you stick to your plan, keep an eye on your macros, and thus fast track your weight loss process. You’ll be happy to know your Meal Plan is yours to customize however you please. This flexibility allows you to enjoy plenty of variety and tasty options, while ensuring your diet’s calorie intake is where it needs to be to get massive results.

french toast with bananas and blueberries

Size matters

The key to a successful diet plan is controlling the size of your portions; you won’t make any substantial progress otherwise. We know that this is no easy task when you’re hungry and left to your own warped hunger-driven instincts. But our Meal Plans will help you stay disciplined and learn to recognize what balanced nutritious meals look like on your plate – which also contain all your required macros.

Save time

We know planning meals in advance can be a stressful, tedious and time-consuming activity, especially when you’re busy or have had a long day at work or looking after children – only made harder when you’re trying to make foods fit your macros.

Thankfully, our Meal Plan reduces all this and takes the guesswork out of the dreaded question, “What am I going to eat?” This in turn helps you stick to your plan and reach your goals sooner rather than later.

Shopping made easy

Another benefit of using a meal plan is that you will have a simple shopping list to follow, so you won’t have to wander around the supermarket waiting for inspiration to strike – you will only need to pick up the ingredients needed to cook the meals on your plan. This will also reduce the amount of wasted food ending up in the trash can – or the dog’s bowl (sorry, buddy) – keeping food costs down and saving you money.

Simple and tasty dishes

Our recipes are simple, easy to follow, and customizable to keep everyone happy at the dining table, so you don’t have to be a master chef to cook these delicious, nutritious meals. But you will certainly learn more than a thing or two in the kitchen, which will no doubt impress your friends and family, or that special someone.

meat with potatoes and vegetables

Increase micronutrient intake

Another benefit is your overall health will improve through the increase of your micronutrient intake, such as fruits, vegetables and fiber, which we generally do not eat enough of in modern society – where convenient ultra-processed foods, which lack nutritional value, unfortunately dominate many people’s diets.

In fact, over 2 billion people, around 30% of the world’s population, are anemic, according to the World Health Organization, generally due to iron deficiency – which, left untreated, can lead to serious health complications.

A meal plan consisting of micronutrients not only reduces your chances of you developing micronutrient deficiency but also offers a significant range of health benefits. Vitamins and minerals are one of the major groups of nutrients your body needs and are essential to maintain your brain, muscle, bone, nerves, skin, blood, circulation, and immune system.

Sufficient micronutrient intake and good overall nutrition are also linked with benefitting your mental health as stress depletes us of nutrients, due the body prioritizing making adrenaline in fight-flight mode. This is of course at the expense of your physical health.

Sign up to our IIFYM Meal Plan today

With our IIFYM Meal Plan you will witness fat melting away and feel the life changing benefits of maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. But if you want to speed the weight loss process up and become fitter and stronger in the process, we have special bundles on offer that include full fitness training programs and other bonus benefits.



Friday, July 24, 2020

A Sneak Peak At Our IIFYM Meal Plan Recipes…

One of the most requested services we’ve gotten at IIFYM is for meal plans. Meal plans take the hassle and guesswork out of meeting your macro requirements.

Our philosophy is that you can eat whatever you want, If It Fits Your Macros. Our Blueprint offers you the framework for learning how to track your macros yourself, but we also have our IIFYM Meal Plan for those who don’t even want to think about it.

The meal plan is yours to customize. Each meal in your plan tells you what the macros are for that serving, so you are free to swap things out as you please!

The idea is to use the meal plan as your basic guide, to either follow to the letter or customize as you wish.

Our meal plan means you don’t have to think about what to eat, it’s done for you. Some days you may not feel like planning out a full day of food and you won’t have to! Your meals for the day are all pre-planned and outlined.

We cater to just about every need you can think of, including:

  • Vegan

  • Vegetarian

  • Standard Western

  • Pescatarian

  • Standard Western low carb

  • Pesce-pollotarian

  • Vegan low carb

  • Vegetarian low carb

  • Pollotarian

Our recipes are super-simple and hassle-free! They’re easily customizable to suit the whole family too if you have multiple mouths to feed.

We want to give you a sneak peak behind the curtain of our IIFYM Meal Plan so you get a taste (no pun intended), of what to expect.

Here are two recipes pulled straight from our meal plan, the first is from our Vegan meal plan, the second is from our Standard Western meal plan.

Vegan Falafel Burger

Falafel Burger

Time to make:

20 Minutes


  • 280g Falafel

  • ½ Cup Green Salad (of your choice – 1C + 77.5g/2.7oz)

  • ½ Avocado (medium sized approximately 159g/5.6oz)

  • 60g Tomatoes (common)

  • 25g Kimchi

  • 1 x Bun – Wholemeal (54g/1.9oz)


  1. Measure and cut up ingredients

  2. Heat a frying pan and cook falafels until brown. (Follow instructions on packet if store bought)

  3. Slice the bun in half and toast under grill under golden

  4. Layer the falafel, salad, kimchi and avocado in between the buns.

  5. Enjoy!

Macronutrient Breakdown

Protein: 35 grams

Carbohydrates: 88 grams

Net Carbohydrates: 70 grams

Fats: 44 grams

Total Calories: 814 calories

Grilled Meat and Vegetables

Grilled Meat And Vegetables

Time to make:

10 Minutes


  • 175g Sweet Potato (raw)

  • 300g Mixed Green Vegetables (of your choice) – Non Starch

  • 1 tsp Olive Oil

  • 350g Poultry – Skinless Chicken Thigh (uncooked weight)

  • 50g Nuts – almonds, raw


  1. Measure and cut up all ingredients

  2. Heat a fry pan with oil and add chicken. Cook thoroughly all the way through.

  3. Roast, mash or microwave the sweet potato. Steam the vegetables or keep raw.

  4. Add the vegetables, tip with almonds and serve the chicken on the side.

  5. Enjoy!

Macronutrient Breakdown:

Protein: 82 grams

Carbohydrates: 41 grams

Net Carbohydrates: 40 grams

Fats: 63 grams

Total Calories: 1054

These recipes are both super simple and quick to make. Have a go and let us know what you think! Click here to check out our IIFYM Meal Plans.



Monday, July 20, 2020

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Thursday, July 2, 2020

5 Exercises That Are A Total Waste of Time

Let’s be honest, for many of us, working out is kind of a chore that we can’t wait to get over and done with.

We do it because we know it’s good for us and in conjunction with tracking macros, exercise helps move us closer to our larger goal.

With that in mind, it’s important to make sure that when we’re in the gym or training at home, every single moment counts!

There are many exercises that are actually a complete waste of time that you might not even realize.

We’ve compiled a list of 5 exercises you should totally avoid, and what to do instead.

1. Sit-ups/Crunches

Sit-ups/Crunches are one of the worst core-focused exercises ever created. They exert strain on your back with every rep and are hugely inefficient at working out your abs.

Crunches are not a functional movement of the human body. If you’ve been doing crunches every week and wondering why you don’t have a 6 pack of abs (but you sure do have a sore back and neck), it’s time to say goodbye.

Instead, try a plank. This is a core-building exercise that not only strengthens your abdominals but gives your biceps, neck, and shoulder muscles a workout too. This translates across to improved press-ups and other shoulder movements too.

2. Behind the neck pulldown

photo of woman performing lat pulldown

How this ever came to be a thing, we’ll never know. People wrongly assume they’ll get a better activation of the lat muscles but in actual fact, you can do some real damage.

Performing a lat pulldown behind your head is terrible for 3 main reasons:

  • It gives a far more limited workout than the correct method

  • Your shoulders are forced in an unnatural, externally rotated position

  • Your neck is craned forward

Instead, perform the lat pulldown in the correct form with the bar in front of you. You’ll receive all of the gain and none of the pain!

3. Bench Dips

This is a classic tricep toning go-to, but it’s actually incredibly unsafe. This move puts your shoulders in an unnatural position and most of us don’t have the flexibility and range of motion to perform this safely.

Choose overhead presses with dumbbells instead.

4. Smith Machine Squats

woman lifting barbell

The Smith Machine was created as a “safer” alternative to free weights because the barbell is fixed in place. However, this fixed position can be even more damaging as it forces your body into unnatural positions.

When you lower into a weighted squat with the smith machine, your back stays straight and almost perfectly perpendicular to the ground, which compresses and stresses the vertebrae.

It also removes the need to stabilize yourself which is an important part of weight training.

Instead, use free weight to perform any exercises you normally would with the Smith Machine.

5. Adductor and Abductor Machines

Your adductor and abductor muscles are accessory muscles. AKA, they’re smaller and support the larger leg muscles. Using the adductor and abductor machine to target them not only means you can actually strain them when they’re worked outside of a compound movement, but it’s a generally inefficient way to train when there are other moves that will work multiple muscles at once.

Side lunges and squats are a better alternative for training your adductor and abductor muscles. A squat performed with proper form engages more muscles and is a functional movement, meaning it’ll better prepare your muscles for real-life challenges, like walking up the stairs and picking things up.

So, which of these exercises will you be ditching from your routine?

Have you tried any of these? Let us know in the comments!

Also, don’t forget that your IIFYM Meal Plan comes with a workout program designed specifically for YOU so any and all movements you do and don’t want to include will be taken into account.



Sunday, June 28, 2020

10 Snacks You *Think* are Healthy… But Aren’t

Health foods have come a long way over the last few years. When it first became “trendy” to buy healthy foods, the pre-packaged products available on the shelves seemed revolutionary.

But times have changed and we’ve since learned that many of those snacks deemed healthy are actually secret sugar bombs.

Here are 10 snacks you think are healthy but actually aren’t.

1. Muesli Bars

Despite the name sounding pretty healthy, most muesli bars are loaded with added sugar and too low in fiber to keep you full for any decent length of time.

If you’re looking for a muesli bar to snack on, be sure to check the ingredients to make sure it’s not a glorified sugar bomb!

2. Energy Bites

The energy you get from these usually comes from the enormous amounts of sugars! Energy bites are another hidden sugar bomb.

When choosing energy bites make sure they’re mostly made of nuts and seeds and sweetened with dates.

3. Trail Mix

Nuts and seeds are a great snack but trail mix tends to be full of dried fruit and chocolate — making it more like a candy than a healthy snack!

Try and stick to plain nuts and seeds to avoid the extra sugar.

4. Salted or Flavored Nuts

While nuts are a great snack, try and stick to plain, unsalted and unflavored nuts. Salted nuts can be high in sodium while flavors like honey-roasted are another unnecessary source of sugar.

5. Protein Bars

Like energy bites, protein bars are often loaded with sugars or artificial sweeteners. They pass as “healthy” because they claim to help you build muscle but don’t be fooled by the label!

Ideally, source your protein from natural sources or make sure your protein supplements are sugar and artificial sweetener free.

6. Granola

bowl breakfast cereal cereal bowl

Granola has a whopping amount of sugars, making it no better for you than Froot Loops. If you notice a pattern developing here it’s because an enormous amount of pre-packaged “healthy food” is just a minefield of hidden sugars.

7. Popcorn

Microwave popcorn often contains a high level of harmful trans-fats. If you see the words “hydrogenated” or “partially-hydrogenated” in the ingredients list, stay well away!!

8. Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is easy to overeat and lacks the fiber, hydration, and general goodness of fresh. All you’re left with is the fructose. Opt for fresh fruit where you can.

9. Juices

selective focus photography of pure orange juice

When you juice fruit you are removing all the good stuff—all the fiber that your body loves so much. The juice you’re left with is all fructose aka sugar! The lack of fiber means it’s easy to drink copious amounts that you wouldn’t be able to eat in its whole form. Choose smoothies instead to get the goodness of fiber.

10. Smoothie Bowls

Sure, they might be totally insta-worthy, but those trending smoothie bowls you see all over the internet will cost you around 500 calories and 100+ grams of carbs, most of which come straight from sugar. Doesn’t leave you much to play with in your meals for the rest of the day!

The key takeaway here is to watch out for hidden sugars! Most foods that claim to be healthy are actually loaded with sugar. Make sure you read the label and aim for foods with no more than 6 grams of sugar per 100g serving.

To make life super-simple, our meal plans come with a variety of snack options. Get your personalized IIFYM Meal Plan today!

