Tracking macros vs calories vs keto vs paelo
Why The Macro Diet Is Different
Dieting. Is. Hard. …Right?
is a tidbit of conventional wisdom that most people would concede to in a
heartbeat without batting an eye. Perhaps, one that you are probably nodding in
agreement with as you read it. However, you know I’m about to challenge it.
is a tidbit of conventional wisdom that most people would concede to in a
heartbeat without batting an eye. Perhaps, one that you are probably nodding in
agreement with as you read it. However, you know I’m about to challenge it.
who has tried to lose weight or get fit using traditional dieting plans would
agree! And that included me not long ago.
who has tried to lose weight or get fit using traditional dieting plans would
agree! And that included me not long ago.
You see, the thing with traditions and conventional wisdom is
that they seldom concern themselves with reality. Or truth for that matter. In
fact, more often than not, conventional wisdom is what keeps people from taking
advantage of newly acquired knowledge, regardless of the evidence to
support it, or the proven benefits attached to it.
that they seldom concern themselves with reality. Or truth for that matter. In
fact, more often than not, conventional wisdom is what keeps people from taking
advantage of newly acquired knowledge, regardless of the evidence to
support it, or the proven benefits attached to it.
That’s why there are still people out there thinking that
saturated fats are to be avoided like the plague, or that fresh fruits and
vegetable are absolutely better than their frozen counterparts. No matter how
much evidence
suggests otherwise.
saturated fats are to be avoided like the plague, or that fresh fruits and
vegetable are absolutely better than their frozen counterparts. No matter how
much evidence
suggests otherwise.
that sense, nutrition and dieting have
been fertile grounds for speculation and misinformation for decades.
Derived from mountains of inaccurate studies – and sometimes blatant lies – advertised by so-called experts, and
dishonest organizations chasing profits.
that sense, nutrition and dieting have
been fertile grounds for speculation and misinformation for decades.
Derived from mountains of inaccurate studies – and sometimes blatant lies – advertised by so-called experts, and
dishonest organizations chasing profits.
of these mistaken notions about food and how our bodies interact with it, remain
even to this day. Distilled into those tortuous and difficult-to-follow diet
programs we’ve all grown to hate.
of these mistaken notions about food and how our bodies interact with it, remain
even to this day. Distilled into those tortuous and difficult-to-follow diet
programs we’ve all grown to hate.
once more, science knocks on our door and tells us that we’ve been doing it wrong.
once more, science knocks on our door and tells us that we’ve been doing it wrong.
is indeed an intelligent, fact-backed, and reliable alternative to
losing weight and get in better shape. The best part is that it does not
require us to endure draconian nutritional habits, or taxing workout sessions.
is indeed an intelligent, fact-backed, and reliable alternative to
losing weight and get in better shape. The best part is that it does not
require us to endure draconian nutritional habits, or taxing workout sessions.
A way that works. And one that
differs entirely from the idea we all have of dieting.
differs entirely from the idea we all have of dieting.
you think dieting is hard, perhaps you need to understand why the macro diet is
you think dieting is hard, perhaps you need to understand why the macro diet is
It Doesn’t Make You
The number one reason why the majority of people abandon
diets is that they start to feel miserable right off the bat.
diets is that they start to feel miserable right off the bat.
Most diets are incredibly restrictive. They all force you to
leave out all the food you like entirely. Not for a week. Not for a month. For the rest of your life. Or at least
for as long as you wish to keep losing weight.
leave out all the food you like entirely. Not for a week. Not for a month. For the rest of your life. Or at least
for as long as you wish to keep losing weight.
That’s an absurdly demanding commitment to ask of anybody!
Not only can it affect negatively your mood each time you
get a caving for something you can’t have (which
is basically every day when all you eat is canned tunas and rice cakes).
But it can actually become a major issue in social gatherings.
get a caving for something you can’t have (which
is basically every day when all you eat is canned tunas and rice cakes).
But it can actually become a major issue in social gatherings.
Everyone’s enjoying that soft piece of cake at a birthday
party, while you compulsively chew on your no-sugar gum. You sit, grumpily
stabbing at a salad bowl with your fork, while your friends enjoy their buttery
popcorns, soda, and pizza slices during movie night.
party, while you compulsively chew on your no-sugar gum. You sit, grumpily
stabbing at a salad bowl with your fork, while your friends enjoy their buttery
popcorns, soda, and pizza slices during movie night.
Who wouldn’t be miserable like that?
With traditional dieting, 90% of the challenge is having the
mental discipline to go through these situations. No wonder why most people,
even those that are truly committed to losing weight, end up giving up eventually.
mental discipline to go through these situations. No wonder why most people,
even those that are truly committed to losing weight, end up giving up eventually.
The macro diet
doesn’t make you suffer by keeping away the food you love! If it fits your
macros, you can have it. It is that simple and works marvelously. Forget about
being miserable, constantly thrashing for another drop of willpower. Just track
your macros and enjoy the food your love.
doesn’t make you suffer by keeping away the food you love! If it fits your
macros, you can have it. It is that simple and works marvelously. Forget about
being miserable, constantly thrashing for another drop of willpower. Just track
your macros and enjoy the food your love.
It Doesn’t Require Workouts to Work Out
Another big issue I had with regular diets was that if you
wanted to see results, you had to break your back at the gym or run around like
a madman doing cardio.
wanted to see results, you had to break your back at the gym or run around like
a madman doing cardio.
And don’t get me wrong: I LOVE working out. Exercising is
amazing for you and gives you many benefits beyond just losing weight.
amazing for you and gives you many benefits beyond just losing weight.
But the fact of the matter is that making time to go to the
gym on a regular basis – on top of the
other hundred things you need to take care of on a regular day – becomes
unrealistic in most cases.
gym on a regular basis – on top of the
other hundred things you need to take care of on a regular day – becomes
unrealistic in most cases.
I’ve also had many friends whose sole purpose for training was
losing weight. The sight of them overtaxing their bodies, and even injuring
themselves, while failing to reach their weight loss goal for the month was
painful to watch.
losing weight. The sight of them overtaxing their bodies, and even injuring
themselves, while failing to reach their weight loss goal for the month was
painful to watch.
That is not a healthy way to go about dieting.
One of the main draws the macro diet has – beyond being able to eat what you like –
is that it has been proven to work,
whether or not you decide to exercise.
is that it has been proven to work,
whether or not you decide to exercise.
If you start tracking your macros and
applying the system, you will lose weight. Plain and simple.
applying the system, you will lose weight. Plain and simple.
When following the macro diet, working out becomes an
entirely enjoyable activity. You train and exercise because you want to. Not
because you have to.
entirely enjoyable activity. You train and exercise because you want to. Not
because you have to.
It’s Based On Facts and Nutritional Science
One of the strongest points of the macro diet – and sadly, one that most people gloss over
even before trying it – is the fact it’s founded in science.
even before trying it – is the fact it’s founded in science.
Macro diets are strictly centered around math, and a
nutritional understanding of how our bodies process the chemical components
they get from foods – Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and alcohol.
nutritional understanding of how our bodies process the chemical components
they get from foods – Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and alcohol.
By calculating a formula tailored to your specific body and
nutritional needs, you get to play around with your food intake into a method that
works for you. 100% of the time. And without sacrificing the things you love to
eat. No other dietary system in history can claim that.
nutritional needs, you get to play around with your food intake into a method that
works for you. 100% of the time. And without sacrificing the things you love to
eat. No other dietary system in history can claim that.
Most importantly, macro diets do perpetuate outdated notions
and flawed beliefs about nutrition.
and flawed beliefs about nutrition.
Did you know the first food pyramid was created in
conjunction with the department of agriculture? Talk about a conflict of
interest! No wonder they used to recommend
eating such vast quantities of carbs.
conjunction with the department of agriculture? Talk about a conflict of
interest! No wonder they used to recommend
eating such vast quantities of carbs.
Even today, many of those misconceptions about nutrition are
the basis behind the popular diets out there.
the basis behind the popular diets out there.
Macro diets ditch all of that. No old wives tales. No myths
about good or bad foods. If it fits your macros, you can eat it. And you’ll be
losing weight while you are at it.
about good or bad foods. If it fits your macros, you can eat it. And you’ll be
losing weight while you are at it.
It Works
Let’s get real for a second.
If you’ve read this far, chances are you’ve already tried
traditional diets, and they have failed you just like they failed many others.
traditional diets, and they have failed you just like they failed many others.
Sometimes that failure comes from following flawed
nutritional advice. Sometimes, it comes from the lack of results within a
reasonable timeframe. Sometimes, they fail because you feel that if you open up
another can of tuna and shove it down your throat one more time, you’ll go
nutritional advice. Sometimes, it comes from the lack of results within a
reasonable timeframe. Sometimes, they fail because you feel that if you open up
another can of tuna and shove it down your throat one more time, you’ll go
Whatever the case, traditional diets have proven time and
again to be untenable, and wildly ineffective.
again to be untenable, and wildly ineffective.
When it is all said and done, the main reason why the macro diet is different is that it works.
Calculate your macros and stick to the system and you’ll
start seeing amazing results in a short amount of time. As opposed to other
weight loss programs and flawed nutritional plans.
start seeing amazing results in a short amount of time. As opposed to other
weight loss programs and flawed nutritional plans.
Macro diets are able to produce such results because they
are tailored to your body and your needs. It accounts for the
energy you require and the fuel you provide it. And as long as you keep true to
the system, there’s just no way of missing your target.
are tailored to your body and your needs. It accounts for the
energy you require and the fuel you provide it. And as long as you keep true to
the system, there’s just no way of missing your target.
The macro diet doesn’t depend on your state of mind, energy
levels, or expect you to leave behind all the foods you love. It doesn’t
require you to develop a monk’s iron will either.
levels, or expect you to leave behind all the foods you love. It doesn’t
require you to develop a monk’s iron will either.
The macro diet is different because it is an intelligent,
science-based approach to being healthy and losing weight. And that’s way more
than you can say about other weight loss plans out there.
science-based approach to being healthy and losing weight. And that’s way more
than you can say about other weight loss plans out there.

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