Saturday, October 26, 2019

Getting The Most From The IIFYM Macro Diet

The IIFYM Diet: All You Need To Know

If you were told that you could eat all the pizza, lasagna and tacos that you want, and lose weight while doing so, would you believe it?

This may be hard to believe, but it is possible! You can eat whatever you want to and lose weight in the process. All you need to do is to eat it in the right amounts. How so, you ask. This is where IIFYM or “If It Fits Your Macros” comes in. It is a flexible dieting technique that helps people lose weight without being restricted.

It focuses on the macronutrients, rather than calories, as many diets do. So, what does IIFYM entail, and does it work? Read on to find out.

getting the most from the iifym macro diet

If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM)

This dieting technique works on tracking one’s macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates), rather than the calories that one is consuming. It is quite flexible, as opposed to other diets that need one to make drastic changes to their eating habits. It focuses on the three main macronutrients, which include; proteins, fat, and carbohydrates.

Fiber is also considered as it is a significant component when one is tracking their macros. It is essential for fast weight loss. IIFYM works on allowing people to eat all the foods that they love, with no restrictions such as healthy eating. You can eat your pizza, as long as you stay within your weight loss macros. The fat will soon start melting off as you will lose weight at a steady rate.

How To Start

IIFYM involves three steps:

• You will need to calculate the calories you need to maintain your current weight. (TDEE)

• You will also need to know the number of calories you need to cut for the desired weight loss. (Weight loss deficit)

• The calories will then be grouped by macronutrients and ensure that you have adequate fiber intake.

Step 1: Calculate Your Macros (from our Free IIFYM Calculator)

There are many online macro calculators that you can use, with the most popular one being on the IIFYM website. You can either use the calculator or calculate your calories manually, which will be a longer process. Both ways are efficient, and it depends on what you are most comfortable with.

• Determining Your Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR)

It is the first step when it comes to tracking macros. If you are using the online calculator, all you need is to key in important details such as your weight, height, and sex. Your BMR represents the number of calories that your body burns while it is at rest.

• Determining Your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

Once the BMR has been calculated, it is multiplied by a factor determined by your activity levels. It is added to the calories that you burn through all the activities that you partake in during the day. Once all this is added up, you will have TDEE, which is a rough estimate of how many calories you burn in the day.

Step 2: Adjusting Your Calorie Needs For Weight Loss.

If you desire to lose weight, then you will have to ensure that your daily calorie intake is about 10 to 25 % lower than your TDEE. On the other hand, if you want to gain weight, then your day to day calorie intake should be around 5-15 % higher than your TDEE. It will ensure that you build the desired muscle that you want.

Step 3: Determining Your Macro Needs Per Day.

Once you have done all the above, you will then need to calculate your macros based on your goals. For weight loss, once you have subtracted the 10-25% off your TDEE, you can then split the weight loss calories into their macros, as shown below.

• You should set your proteins at 0.8-1.15 grams per lb of your body weight. Afterward, you can subtract the protein calories from the weight loss calories.

• For fat, calculate it at around 0.25-0.4g per lb of body weight. Subtract the fat calories from your weight loss calories.

• For carbohydrates, this will be the value remaining from the adjusted score.

Once all this is done, and you have determined your daily macro goals, then you can begin your diet. If you are serious about it and stick to it daily, then you will see some positive results in a short time. It is, however, advised that you need to be as active as you had claimed to be when you were calculating your macros.

If you do not do that, then you will not get the expected results that you were waiting for.

The Benefits Of the IIFYM Diet.

• It Is Flexible.

IIFYM is very flexible, and you do not have to let go of those foods that you love; all you need is to eat them in moderation.

You do not need to do the traditional dieting to lose weight. You are also encouraged to eat diverse foods, as long as you meet your daily macro goals, and do not exceed them.

Amazing, right? This will make you more likely to stick to it as opposed to other diets that you may find yourself quitting in a few weeks.

• It Helps With Weight Loss.

Weight loss is possible through a calorie deficit, and IIFYM will help you with that. Similarly, if you want to gain weight, IIFYM can guide you through it effortlessly.

• It Helps Those People That Are Unable To Exercise.

When calculating macros, IIFYM takes into account one’s activity levels, therefore, it is useful for those people who cannot exercise due to some restrictions.

Is Macro Diet For You?

You may be asking yourself if this is something that will benefit you. The truth is that macro diets work if people stick to them. The only problem is that people tend to be dishonest when using the calculator by not giving the correct details. Also, some do not stick to their daily macro goals. For this to work, you need to follow it daily.

The best part about a macro plan such as IIFYM is that it ensures weight loss, without restrictions on food choices.

IIFYM is a flexible method of weight loss, with its focus on macronutrients, instead of calories. However, it is crucial for people following this diet to consume their micro-nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

If you think this is the plan for you, it is advised to follow a guide on macro dieting to help you through this process.



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